The Murder Of George Floyd

A boil of hatred festered in the heart
Of our Great Pumpkin. When it burst.
It spewed putrescence on all parts
Of our sad nation. Then bad came to worse:

The MAGA Hatters rallied, and they cheered
When poor George Floyd was crushed to death, and jeered
When black folks rose in protest. His last breath
Was the last gasp of freedom in this land.

The racist fascists poured into the streets.
The cause of human decency was banned
By order of the vicious lackwit’s tweets.
Objectors in the White House all got canned.

Parading to a church went Donald Trump,
Perhaps recruiting saved souls to his cause,
Which is to reign all on his own, and dump
Democracy. To him, it’s no great loss.

There’s hope democracy will rise again,
For Trump will have to die, just like all men.