Julian the Good

Julian of Norwich was a 14th century English anchorite and mystic. She lived in the time of the Great Plague, when there was terrible upheaval as tens of thousands fell sick and died. But she wrote, “All will be well, and very well, and all manner of things will be well.” These were deeply-considered words


When I was a young man I was determined to do great things that would astonish the world. Now that I’m old, I’m glad I didn’t cause much damage.

From “The Seafarer”

The days have been slipping away, And all the pomps of the kingdoms of the earth. Not now kings or gold-giving lords. The glorious company has perished. The weaker remain and occupy the world. Splendor has been humbled. Earth’s nobility Ages and grows sere, just as man now does Throughout middle-earth. Now, therefore, my thought