Deep Winter

When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nails, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in the pail; When blood is nipp’d and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl Tu-who; Tu-whit, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. –

Annals Of Inanity

According to Daily Kos (30 Dec.2021), the Fox News audience has been told in no uncertain terms by Neil Cavuto and others that the Covid vaccine is experimental, and might be poison. It symbolizes some New World Order Communist plot to feed your grandmother to Muslims that live in Jewish globalist cages inside China and

Fabulous Lesson

As Biden continues his virtual meetings with Xi to improve relations between the United States and China and make the world a safer and more prosperous place, I hope he remembers the fable of the Scorpion and the Frog. A frog was about to jump into a pond when a scorpion came up to him.

The Cherry Tree Carol

When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he, He married Virgin Mary, The Queen of Galilee. He married Virgin Mary. The Queen of Galilee. Joseph and Mary Walked through an orchard green. There were cherries and berries As thick as might be seen, There were cherries and berries As thick as might

The Cherry Tree Carol

The Cherry Tree Carol When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he, He married Virgin Mary, The Queen of Galilee. He married Virgin Mary. The Queen of Galilee. Joseph and Mary Walked through an orchard green. There were cherries and berries As thick as might be seen, There were cherries and berries

A Visit From La Bufana

A Visit From La Bufana On the 13th of December, 2021, the New York Times reported that a certain Monsignor Stagliano of the Diocese of Noto in Sicily had recently told a group of children that Santa Claus did not exist. La Bufana was furious. Some heartless priest had denied the existence of Santa Claus!

Comparable Monstrosity

Comparative Monstrosity Baba Yaga’s a hideous witch. Baked baby’s her favorite dish. One of her legs is bare bone. She lives in a fey mobile home: A hut that on chicken legs walks As the children of Russia she stalks. Even worse, she can take to the sky In a pestle that’s able to fly.