In Praise of Elitism

In Praise of Elitism

I’m one of the librul elite, tra la!
I Twitter not, nor do I Tweet, ha ha!
I vote only for those
Who speak in clear prose,
And I don’t trust the Man in the Street, nah, nah!

I’m a big innalekshual snob, nyah nyah!
If you can’t turn a phrase, shut your gob, blah blah!
Idiots and twits
Give me conniption fits,
But if you are clever, no prob, ta da!

I believe in free speech that’s profound, huzzah!
If your argument’s sound, then tres bien, ça va!
But if you just rant
And spew hateful cant,
Then you’re clearly a moron, voilà!

I wish I were less of a snot, trot trot.
But I scorn those who talk tommyrot, not not.
Give me someone whose brain
Is complex and strange,
So I know I’m not stuck with a bot, robot.

I enjoy give-and-take, repartee, whoopee!
Bring it on, don’t hold back, do feel free, yippee!
But remember, my friend,
At the argument’s end,
I am right, and you have to agree, hee hee!