Two Ad Executives at a Three-Martini Lunch

Benton: We need a new paradigm for the post-fact world.
Bowles: Ya think?
Benton: Totally. A real game-changer.
Bowles: How about “Nothing Is Everything?”
Benton: Let’s run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.
Bowles: Throw it against the wall and see if anything sticks.
Benton: At the end of the day, bringing people together is job one.
Bowles: I’m focused like a laser beam on that.
Benton: Going forward, the P.R. Department’s clients include too many
bad crazies.
Bowles: Yeah, they’re still out there.
Benton: Let me be clear: we want to drive people happy, not nuts.
Bowles: Right on. Save the nuts for the Planters account.
Benton: You have a very good brain.
Bowles: I try.
Benton: Don’t try. Do!
Bowles: Gotcha. We drop The Donald and Alex Jones.
Benton: They’re bad for our track record.
Bowles: Non-starters.
Benton: Tell ‘em, “Sorry Not Sorry.”
Bowles: Perfecto. Now, how about the Biden account?
Benton: Are you kidding me? Yesterday’s news. He’s an oldie, but he’s not a golden oldie.
Bowles: My bad. Does Kamala Harris get us a Clio?
Benton: She’s too smart. She’ll make the people in Podunk feel dumb.
Bowles: They are dumb!
Benton: Bite your tongue! Their dumbness keeps us in business!
Bowles: Oh, right.
Benton: Real freedom is having more products to buy.
Bowles: Even if you don’t need them.
Benton: LOL. (The two execs chuckle) Waiter, two more martinis, please. Remember, none of that Russian swill. Make it American Anthem Vodka.
Bowles: The patriot’s choice!
Benton: Sweet sauce of liberty!
Bowles: When you care enough to drink the very best!
Benton: L’chaim!